طراحی و آنالیز سیستم های رادار با استفاده از متلب (Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB)

دانلود کتاب اصول سیستم های رادار دانلود مقاله طراحی و آنالیز سیستم های رادار با استفاده از متلب (Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB) طراحی و ساخت رادار طراحی جنگنده رادار گریز اصول طراحی رادار جزوه طراحی رادار سیستم های رادار گریز اصول سیستم های رادار جزوه اصول سیستم های رادار کتاب اصول سیستم های رادار درس سیستم های رادار

Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB

طراحی و آنالیز سیستم های رادار با استفاده از متلب (Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB)

سیستم های رادار یکی از مهمترین جنبه های طراحی در الکترونیک و مخابرات می باشد که به دلیل پیچیدگی محاسبات و طراحی این سیستم های از شبیه سازی و مدل سازی آنها در نرم افزار متلب بهره می برند، این کتاب به تحلیل و آنالیز جامعی در تمامی قسمت های یک رادار پرداخته است.

فهرست مطالب:

Chapter 1
Radar Fundamentals
Radar Classifications
MATLAB Function “pulse_train.m”
Range Resolution
MATLAB Function “range_resolution.m”
Doppler Frequency
MATLAB Function “doppler_freq.m”
The Radar Equation
MATLAB Function “radar_eq.m”
Low PRF Radar Equation
MATLAB Function “lprf_req.m”
High PRF Radar Equation
MATLAB Function “hprf_req.m”
Surveillance Radar Equation
MATLAB Function “power_aperture_eq.m”
Radar Equation with Jamming
Self-Screening Jammers (SSJ)
MATLAB Program “ssj_req.m”
Stand-Off Jammers (SOJ)
MATLAB Program “soj_req.m”
Range Reduction Factor
MATLAB Function “range_red_fac.m”
Bistatic Radar Equation
Radar Losses
Transmit and Receive Losses
Antenna Pattern Loss and Scan Loss
Atmospheric Loss
Collapsing Loss
Processing Losses
Other Losses
MATLAB Program and Function Listings Problems

Chapter 2
Radar Cross Section (RCS)
RCS Definition
RCS Prediction Methods
RCS Dependency on Aspect Angle and Frequency
MATLAB Function “rcs_aspect.m”
MATLAB Function “rcs-frequency.m”
RCS Dependency on Polarization
Target Scattering Matrix
RCS of Simple Objects
MATLAB Function “rcs_ellipsoid.m”
Circular Flat Plate
MATLAB Function “rcs_circ_plate.m”
Truncated Cone (Frustum)
MATLAB Function “rcs_frustum.m”
MATLAB Function “rcs_cylinder.m”
Rectangular Flat Plate
MATLAB Function “rcs_rect_plate.m”
Triangular Flat Plate
MATLAB Function “rcs_isosceles.m”
RCS of Complex Objects
RCS Fluctuations and Statistical Models
RCS Statistical Models – Scintillation Models
Chi-Square of Degree 2m
Swerling I and II (Chi-Square of Degree 2)
Swerling III and IV (Chi-Square of Degree 4)
MATLAB Program Problems

Chapter 3
Continuous Wave and Pulsed Radars
Functional Block Diagram
CW Radar Equation
Frequency Modulation
Linear FM (LFM) CW Radar
Multiple Frequency CW Radar
Pulsed Radar
Range and Doppler Ambiguities
Resolving Range Ambiguity
Resolving Doppler Ambiguity
MATLAB Program “range_calc.m”

Chapter 4
Radar Detection
Detection in the Presence of Noise
MATLAB Function “que_func.m”
Probability of False Alarm
Probability of Detection
MATLAB Function “marcumsq.m”
Pulse Integration
Coherent Integration
Non-Coherent Integration
MATLAB Function “improv_fac.m”
Detection of Fluctuating Targets
Detection Probability Density Function
Threshold Selection
MATLAB Function “incomplete_gamma.m”
MATLAB Function “threshold.m”
Probability of Detection Calculation
Detection of Swerling V Targets
MATLAB Function “pd_swerling5.m”
Detection of Swerling I Targets
MATLAB Function “pd_swerling1.m”
Detection of Swerling II Targets
MATLAB Function “pd_swerling2.m”
Detection of Swerling III Targets
MATLAB Function “pd_swerling3.m”
Detection of Swerling IV Targets
MATLAB Function “pd_swerling4.m”
Cumulative Probability of Detection
Solving the Radar Equation
Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR)
Cell-Averaging CFAR (Single Pulse)
Cell-Averaging CFAR with
Non-Coherent Integration
MATLAB Function and Program Listings

Chapter 5
Radar Waveforms Analysis
Low Pass, Band Pass Signals and Quadrature
CW and Pulsed Waveforms
Linear Frequency Modulation Waveforms
High Range Resolution
Stepped Frequency Waveforms
Range Resolution and Range Ambiguity
in SWF
MATLAB Function “hrr_profile.m”
Effect of Target Velocity
MATLAB Listings

Chapter 6
Matched Filter and the Radar Ambiguity
The Matched Filter SNR
The Replica
Matched Filter Response to LFM Waveforms
The Radar Ambiguity Function
Examples of the Ambiguity Function
Single Pulse Ambiguity Function
MATLAB Function “single_pulse_ambg.m”
LFM Ambiguity Function
MATLAB Function “lfm_ambg.m”
Coherent Pulse Train Ambiguity Function
MATLAB Function “train_ambg.m”
Ambiguity Diagram Contours
MATLAB Listings

Chapter 7
Pulse Compression
Time-Bandwidth Product
Radar Equation with Pulse Compression
Analog Pulse Compression
Correlation Processor
MATLAB Function “matched_filter.m”
Stretch Processor
MATLAB Function “stretch.m”
Distortion Due to Target Velocity
Range Doppler Coupling
Digital Pulse Compression
Frequency Coding (Costas Codes)
Binary Phase Codes
Frank Codes
Pseudo-Random (PRN) Codes
MATLAB Listings

Chapter 8
Radar Wave Propagation
Earth Atmosphere
Ground Reflection
Smooth Surface Reflection Coefficient
MATLAB Function “ref_coef.m”
Rough Surface Reflection
The Pattern Propagation Factor
Flat Earth
Spherical Earth
Atmospheric Attenuation
MATLAB Program “ref_coef.m”

Chapter 9
Clutter and Moving Target Indicator (MTI)
Clutter Definition
Surface Clutter
Radar Equation for Area Clutter
Volume Clutter
Radar Equation for Volume Clutter
Clutter Statistical Models
Clutter Spectrum
Moving Target Indicator (MTI)
Single Delay Line Canceler
MATLAB Function “single_canceler.m”
Double Delay Line Canceler
MATLAB Function “double_canceler.m”
Delay Lines with Feedback (Recursive Filters)
PRF Staggering
MTI Improvement Factor
Subclutter Visibility (SCV)
Delay Line Cancelers with Optimal Weights
MATLAB Program/Function Listings

Chapter 10
Radar Antennas
Directivity, Power Gain, and Effective Aperture
Near and Far Fields
Circular Dish Antenna Pattern
MATLAB Function “circ_aperture.m”
Array Antennas
Linear Array Antennas
MATLAB Function “linear_array.m”
Array Tapering
Computation of the Radiation Pattern via the
Array Pattern for Rectangular Planar Array
MATLAB Function “rect_array.m”
Conventional Beamforming
MATLAB Programs and Functions

Chapter 11
Target Tracking
Part I Single Target Tracking
Angle Tracking
Sequential Lobing
Conical Scan
Amplitude Comparison Monopulse
MATLAB Function “mono_pulse.m”
Phase Comparison Monopulse
Range Tracking
Part II Multiple Target Tracking
Track-While-Scan (TWS)
State Variable Representation of an LTI System
The LTI System of Interest
Fixed-Gain Tracking Filters
The Filter
The Filter
MATLAB Function “ghk_tracker.m”
The Kalman Filter
The Singer -Kalman Filter
. Relationship between Kalman and
MATLAB Function “kalman_filter.m”
MATLAB Programs and Functions

Chapter 12
Synthetic Aperture Radar
Real Versus Synthetic Arrays
Side Looking SAR Geometry
SAR Design Considerations
SAR Radar Equation
SAR Signal Processing
Side Looking SAR Doppler Processing
SAR Imaging Using Doppler Processing
Range Walk
Case Study
Arrays in Sequential Mode Operation
Linear Arrays
Rectangular Arrays
MATLAB Programs

Chapter 13
Signal Processing
Signal and System Classifications
The Fourier Transform
The Fourier Series
Convolution and Correlation Integrals
Energy and Power Spectrum Densities
Random Variables
Multivariate Gaussian Distribution
Random Processes
Sampling Theorem
The Z-Transform
The Discrete Fourier Transform
Discrete Power Spectrum
Windowing Techniques

Appendix A
Noise Figure
Appendix B
Decibel Arithmetic
Appendix C
Fourier Transform Table
Appendix D
Some Common Probability Densities
Chi-Square with N degrees of freedom
Appendix E
Z – Transform Table
Appendix F
MATLAB Program and Function Name List

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